Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Anti-Social Creature

(Alert: curhatan doang buat ngilangin penat. I beg you to not read this. *ga punya media lain buat curhat soalnya, sama gua ga mau ada yg ngerasa ke offense, so please...*)

Normal lah orang punya masalah....
Normal lah orang pengen sendiri....
Normal lah orang dihibur kalau..., err.., ya sedih....
Normal lah orang lebih suka dimengerti....

Tapi normal gua lebih condong ke poin kedua diatas kalau lagi ngalamin poin pertama....
Dihibur? Katanya definisi dihibur gua itu sama kaya poin kedua.
Dimengerti? Please understand me without knowing everything about me. It's better than..., people know what's my problem.

Bukan sok keren atau apapun, emang kedengerannya egois, tapi itu cara gua ngerasa lebih nyaman sama lingkungan.

Gaah! I don't wanna be pitied just because a problem! Care no with..., how big is the problem!


Kalau gitu mana ada yg bisa ngerti ya...
Yeah emang rumit buat...., bertindak hal yg benar kalau ada yg nanya.
That makes me one of the really-pathetic-anti-social creature that ever alive....

Gua lebih suka nyelesaiin sendiri dari dalem, jadi kalau udah beres semuanya bakal tetep normal, kaya ga ada yg terjadi. Emang sih ini rada lebay...

I don't know, kalau gini apa mending gua narik diri dari keramaian aja kali ya. Kalau internal belum beres2, gimana mau baik di luarnya hahaha.....

Yeaah You Know...

Now I have know the reason why sentence like "I would like to jump from the cliff" show it existence.
When I heard it, I always said "fool".
Now I'm the one person who included to that "fool" category.

"When the day come, and put on it solar eclipse, everyone won't see the real light of the day"